Metabolic Health Expert Reveals the ROOT CAUSE of Insulin Resistance & How to FIX IT!

Key Takeaways

Insulin Resistance and Mitochondrial Dysfunction

  • Insulin Resistance: A significant issue affecting many people, often unnoticed for years.
  • Insulin: The "energy storage hormone," enhances fat storage by moving glucose and fats into cells.
  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Seen as the root cause of many chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and fatty liver disease.
  • Liver's Role: Fat accumulation in the liver is a primary driver of insulin resistance.

Mitochondrial Health Factors

  • Diet: Poor diet affects mitochondria because it doesn't provide the essential fatty acids needed for healthy mitochondria.
  • Radiation: Exposure, especially in space, can cause mitochondrial dysfunction.
  • Environmental Toxins: Chemicals like flame retardants, parabens, and insecticides damage mitochondria.
  • Air Pollution: Particulate matter contributes to insulin resistance and inflammation.

Fatty Acids and Nutrition

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Essential for heart health, anti-inflammation, and neural function. Found in fish and algae.
  • Omega-6 Fatty Acids: Common in seed oils, pro-inflammatory, should be balanced with Omega-3 intake.
  • Other Fatty Acids: Include monounsaturated (olive oil), polyunsaturated, saturated (animal fat), and medium-chain triglycerides (coconut oil).
  • Trans Fats: Created through food processing, harmful to health, largely banned but can still be present in small amounts in processed foods.

Fructose and Its Impact

  • Fructose: Found in sugar and processed foods, inhibits enzymes necessary for mitochondrial functioning.
  • Natural Sources: Fructose in whole fruits is mitigated by fibers; processing (juicing, blending) eliminates these benefits.
  • Sugar: A combination of fructose and glucose, where fructose negatively impacts mitochondria more than glucose helps.

Dietary Recommendations

  • Whole Foods: Unprocessed foods with inherent fibers are optimal for health.
  • Balanced Diet: Including both plant-based and animal-based foods, emphasizing fish for omega-3s.
  • Limit Processed Foods: To minimize added sugars, harmful fats, and environmental toxins.
  • Focus on Fiber: Necessary for gut health and maintaining a healthy microbiome.

Practical Dietary Advice

  • Read Labels: Look for added sugars and avoid foods with high amounts.
  • Eating Fruits: Preferred way to consume fructose due to the natural fiber content.
  • Flexitarian Approach: Combining various healthy foods, particularly from a plant-based diet complemented by fish.

Final Thoughts

  • Metabolic Health: Should be the primary goal of nutrition, focusing on what happens within cells.
  • Holistic Approach: Addressing lifestyle factors, balanced nutrition, and environmental exposures to ensure mitochondrial and overall health.

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